New Production


Anastasia, the musical

At the Hammer Theatre, San Jose
September 26, 27, 28, 29, October 3, 4, 5
Cast Audition Submissions open on January 8. 
Complete Online Audition Form
Broadway South Bay is excited to be presenting Anastasia on stage at The Hammer Theatre in San Jose on September 26-29 and October 3-5.  What fun It is to present this wonderful family musical with live orchestra here in the Bay Area.  Everyone is invited to participate in the cast, in the orchestra, in the stage crew, in the production team.  You are invited to participate.

Submit cast audition forms and videos by February 16.  In-person Auditions will be in March with a formal introduction of the cast at the April 5 Anastasia show announcement.  Rehearsals begin in mid-July.  Watch for further details on auditions and other events. 
If you would like to participate in the orchestra, stage build crew, or production team, email the director, Alan Chipman, at

You have many ways to be involved.  Here are some of the great opportunities:
-20-piece orchestra including strings, winds, brass, keyboards, percussion
-ballet dancers and ballroom dancers
-strong comedic actors with great musical skills
-set artistsa -diction coach with great Russian accent skills
-costumers who understand 1907 Russia and Paris
-projection specialists
-set designer with SketchUp experience
-hair and makeup specialist
-oh, and a great ensemble cast

Submit your Audition here!